If you’ve attended community college, St. 爱德华的 will help you graduate faster with the transfer core complete status.

We are making it easier than ever to build on your hard work toward a four-year degree by fully accepting the core complete status and counting it toward your bachelor’s degree plan at St. 365比分网电竞!

这意味着你可以 完成学业 by earning a bachelor’s degree more efficiently than ever before.

Students certified as core complete by a state of Texas public institution of higher education before enrolling at St. 爱德华的 are no longer required to take additional general education courses outside those embedded within the student’s chosen major. 


The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 实行42学时制, general education core curriculum within the State of Texas for public college institutions. Every public institution in Texas has a core curriculum, which has a solid foundation of courses to allow for a more seamless transfer among institutions. 从2020年秋季开始,圣. 爱德华的 University is one of the first private schools in Texas to implement a policy adopting the core complete status for transfer students. 

How does the core complete status help me as a transfer student?

Having a core complete status will allow students to have seamless transferability of their general education coursework between institutions. If you're completing your core curriculum at your local community college in Texas, it's a great way to save time and money prior to your transfer to St. 爱德华的.

Do I save money if I'm core complete?

There are many universities to choose from and researching which university is the best fit takes time.  Aligning with the Texas core curriculum early allows for more flexibility with timing and transferring of courses.  在大多数情况下, a transfer student who is core complete may only have two years to invest once they transfer to their university, which ultimately saves you time and money. 


The Texas Core curriculum is a total of 42 credit hours. A designation of "core complete" status will be located on your official transcript from your local community college in Texas. Please consult with your community college advisor for more information about your status and ordering official transcripts.

How do I submit my documents indicating I'm core complete?

You can request your official transcript to be sent directly to St. 爱德华的. The official transcript should list your core completion designation status and must be received prior to enrollment at St. 爱德华的 to receive core complete status

Does core complete apply to freshmen?

No. First-time freshmen are not eligible for core complete status at St. 爱德华的. While they are eligible to bring in a high number of dual credit coursework and college-level examinations as transfer credit, they are required to complete some of their general education coursework at St. 爱德华的.


The Transfer Honor Roll recognizes excellence and success in community college transfer pathway development among four-year colleges and universities. 查看更多事实和奖项 that make us stand out among your options.